Viagra Original pills
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Viagra Original
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Take control over your sexual life!
Recognized leader among potency preparations is available in online pharmacie at a low price. As the most popular medicine against erection disorder, Original Viagra keeps its leading positions for 20 years. The high level of preparation quality was not overcame by any other preparation for potency. We provide you an opportunity to buy Viagra Original without prescription.
Viagra properties still considered as a model for other erectile dysfunction medicines.
- It performs in an hour after taking.
- Recovers strong erection for 4-6 hours.
- The preparation is completely safe and does not cause pathology in male body.
Buying Viagra is a wise investment in your future sexual success. With the help of the preparation, your sexual life will become diverse as it never was before, and you and your partner will enjoy every minute of your sex.
Interesting facts and important medical information about Viagra Original
As many other great discoveries, the best preparation for potency in the world appeared as a result of combination of circumstances. First, original Viagra was formulated as a medicine for improving blood flow in myocardium. However, in 1992 by testing the preparation, strong erection was observed at almost every man that was taking the medicine. Further examination and improvement process of Viagra took almost 6 years and in 1998 the preparation finally became available to the masses.
Composition and effect produced by the medication
Sildenafil is one of the main active ingredients of Viagra Original. The active component effectively fights men impotence and does not have any negative effect to their health. Thanks to its positive qualities, sildenafil became the main component of many generic versions of Viagra. It worth saying that no other analogue of Viagra could overcome the original product.
The action mechanism of sildenafil is also noteworthy. It assist in relaxing cavernous body of penis and in filling it with blood. Besides, the ingredient provides active circulation of blood in genitals, guarantees the erection in right moment.
How to take Viagra Original correctly?
If you want to get a night of sexual joy with the help of the preparation, you need to follow some rules:
- Do not take more than one pill (100 mg) of Viagra Original per day. If you take it in lower dose, another intake is possible.
- Viagra Original needs 45-60 minutes to provide you strong erection. Take the medicine in advance.
- If you feel an extraordinary oppression because of overdose – call your doctor immediately.
Contraindications to the preparation
In some cases, buying Viagra and taking it can pose a threat for your health. That is why read carefully the list of diseases contraindicated to Viagra Original:
- Recent infarction or stroke.
- Hypertension.
- Serious ischemic heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.
- Heritable eye retina disease.
- Serious hepatic dysfunction.
- Drug intolerance.
If you have mild form of some cardiovascular diseases – consult with your doctor before buying Viagra Original. For those who does not have any health problems from the list above, the preparation will become a safe solution of sexual problems.
Compatibility with other medicines
Intake of some other medicines with Viagra simultaneously can harm your health. That is why it is forbidden to combine it with:
- Preparations, that contain nitrates;
- Medicines that have effect on the work of the heart;
- Other medicines for potency.
Side Effects
Usually, taking Viagra Original does not cause discomfort, but, in some cases, there might be side effects, such as:
- Head ache and dizziness (8-10% of cases).
- Indigestive (about 3% of men).
- Change of color perception (2,5%).
- Pain in extremities (less than 1%).
- Stuffiness in nose (less than 1%).
Even in case you are unlucky to experience side effects – do not worry too much. Side effects pass quickly and do not interfere to enjoy full sexual relationships.
Combination of Viagra Original and alcohol
You can easily order original Viagra, even if you plan to have a romantic dinner and drink a glass of wine before sex. The preparation is compatible and all types of food, so before the X-time you do not need to limit yourself. However, remember – a lot of alcohol and fatty food can slow down the action of Viagra Original.